Friday, October 9, 2009


Republican operatives are furious. They are beside themselves. Their faces are beet red and steam is coming out of their ears. The President...President Barack Hussein Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel PEACE Prize! How dare he!!! Have you no shame, sir.

Moderate Republican Joe Scarborough, none the less, has pronounced..."the damage is done"..."there is no upside." Are you kidding me? The guy just won the NOBEL PEACE...PEACE PRIZE, Joe. What's the downside?

My fellow liberals...we must put ourselves in the conservatives shoes. After thinking about it...I realized...there is no upside............FOR THE CON's! That's right. If your party is lying lower than a snakes belly, well then, affirmation that the President is liked by the world is really bad news. The fact that this President, in less than a year, has completely turned around world opinion about us is not something there is much upside for Republicans.

These right wing NUTS are into war, fear, and intimidation.

They've got to run against this guy for the next seven years. Yep...the damage is probably done.

But, they better pace themselves and start asking these right wing critics "how is the world going to react to all this criticism from the right, inside our United States, about an award being given to the first black president in a country, known in part for it's narrow views and much racism?" The world may see these righties for what they are...moron's that can't think past the ends of their noses. They may hurt conservative politics all over the world.

To the Prez's credit...he did know how to act. The first thing out of this mouth was "I don't deserve this award." And, you know what...that ought to be the reaction of anyone who has ever won the award. Maybe the right lacks the manners to congratulate the President for being recognized for his efforts to promote peace in the world...but, the President understood what it was about. It wasn't about was about US! We're back. We're once again respected in the world.

"No upside!" "The damage is done!" ...really?

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