Monday, December 21, 2009


I sympathize with my ultra left liberal friends. I’m not happy about the result of the healthcare bill in the Senate. I’m disappointed in the Democrats who allowed a few goofy Democratic Senators, and one goofy Independent Democratic Senator, to hijack what should have been…and, could have been the kind of healthcare reform that should have been on the mark from the very start. But, the stars weren’t in alignment.

But, truthfully, the President told us what to expect when he campaigned for the office he now holds. He said he wanted to change the culture in Washington. And, I’ve got news for you…he’s living up to that commitment that he made. If Lyndon Johnson were president rather than Barack Obama he (President Johnson) would have knocked some heads together to get this thing done right. But, that’s not what this president is attempting to create. This president is going to be, I think, two things…patient and persistent. That’s the new way.

If we’re going to be different as liberals than the R’s are as conservatives…we’re going to have to get tougher than our opponents are. And, I’m not talking about tougher the way Republicans were when they forced absolutely absurd policies on us as a country. The R’s forced a tax break for the rich on us that reversed what would have resulted in a $2.4 trillion dollar surplus which instead, resulted in a $10 trillion dollar debt. We are going to have to commit ourselves to this new culture. I think this new culture will have to possess the patience and persistence that the president is demonstrating. We’re going to have to act like adults rather than spoiled children. So, we didn’t get what we think we needed for proper healthcare reform. Rather than holding our breath until we turn blue, we need to commit ourselves to pressing for additional work on the bill immediately. I mean before the ink has ever dried. We need to make it clear to the Democrats who weren’t playing on our team that we’re going to run real Democrats against them. Lincoln, of Arkansas, Landrieu of Louisiana, Nelson of Nebraska, and Lieberman need to know we’re not taking their defection and deal making lightly. They need good strong competition for their sacred senate seats.

We cannot sit out any election ever again…ever. We’ve got to get those $10 and $20 internet donations back into action. We need our fellow bloggers to saturate the internet with the facts that the voters need to know in order to throw these Democratic actors out of office and elect real authentic liberals and progressives.

I love Kos, Fire Dog Lake, Ed Shultz, all those liberal voices and bloggers. But, we just got our foot in the door. No, we didn’t get what we needed…but, we got what we needed to get a good start. Now is not the time to stick our heads in the sand…now is when we need to prove we’re a force that’s not going away and is a force to be reckoned with.

If we don’t, there’s another group of radicals who will be persistence although not patient. The Tea Party…the “tea baggers” (How great a name for them is that?). Get tough! Be patient and persistent! We’re not going away and we’ll be at the voting booth and donation windows in every election from now on!

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